Review of The Train

This Is Us: The Train (2022)
Season 6, Episode 17
One of the BEST episodes of television EVER!!!
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is an excellent episode of television!!! I watched it 3 times in 4 days. I cried the entire time! Having the opportunity at the end of your life to walk through and see the people that meant the most to you just seems like such a beautiful ending! And full of symbolism! This is probably the best penultimate episode I've ever seen! Rebecca mentioned her father taking her on the train with him if he had to work on Sundays. I don't remember if her mother received a mention. I did find William an interesting choice as her "conductor" if you will. I also thought it was sad that Miguel received such little time in this. I think Miguel would have been a better choice as the conductor since that is really the role he'd been playing for Rebecca as her memory faded. Mandy Moore did an excellent job with all the emotions in this episode, as she has in all of them, and has never looked more beautiful. The dress she wore was breathtaking! After watching the actual series finale, and being extremely disappointed, I'm just going to personally consider this as the series ender as it hit all the right emotional notes for me. The actual finale added very little to the Pearson world and quite frankly was one of my least favorite series Enders ever!
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