A decent story but just too many songs...even compared to most musicals.
30 May 2022
I enjoyed the story to "Two Tickets to Broadway" and I really enjoyed SOME of the music. But the problem is that the studio poured nearly a dozen musical numbers into the film...more than most musicals. And, had they deleted a few of the numbers (particularly the godawful American Indian one near the end), it could have easily earned a 7...possibly an 8.

Lew (Eddie Bracken) is a small-time agent whose client is the very talented Dan Carter (Tony Martin). But Lew's been able to accomplish nothing for Dan nor for his other clients, various ladies at a boarding house for Broadway hopefuls. So, he does what any good agent would do...lie his head off and make promises he'll likely never be able to keep. But how long can he keep doing this until the truth is discovered?

Tony Martin is excellent in the film....with a gorgeous voice. My only complaint is casting Janet Leigh as his love interest, as when the film begins she's just graduated high school. Why is this a problem? Well, Martin is 38 and sure looks every bit of it...making the relationship seem a tad creepy. I don't blame him or Leigh for this...just the script and casting department. Leigh is also fine, though I am pretty sure she's not actually doing any singing, as she never was known for musicals and had her voice REALLY been this good, surely they would have put her in more musicals. Smith & Dale are also very good in comic relief...and given the style of comedy, they probably worked out better than the originally planned team of Laurel & Hardy, who were just too old and sick to perform in this film.

No, everyone was fine...but the songs were just too often, often very bland and the Indian song, well, it'll surely make the more PC folks out there heads explode! Worth seeing but far from as good as it should have been.
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