Touch of Death (1988 Video)
Ordinary Fulci film with lots of murders committed by a sadistic mature playboy
1 June 2022
A really explicit and twisted film concerning the grisly happenings in which a series killer with a hidden agenda carries out a criminal spree . A violent shocker with level enough on vivid imagery and pure cinematic style in which a nasty murderer executing grisly killings by means of a chainsaw and other criminal methods . Lester Parson (Brett Halsey) is a cannibal psychopath who usually romances and after kidnapping and mutilating wealthy women, committing a series of heinous murders , carrying out serious cuts and beheading . Subsequently , disposing the rest of the unfortunate women in his backyard to his horde of pigs . The peculiar psycho-killer converces schizophrenically with himself via tape recordings of his own voice and along the way he acts as a cook by eating the remains for his dinner . He is also being tracked by Randy , a mean loan shark whom he owes money to after accruing bad gambling debts . For hell! .Depraved - Demonic - Diabolical - And Beyond!

Eerie and creepy thriller with full of killings , loathsome and lots of blood and gore , sexual violence , and abominable murders by means of a saw executed by an ominous psychopath . A typical Fulci butcher's tableau with plenty of explicit scenes of wicked violence , nudism , sheer sensationalism , grisly commerciality and no for squeamish . Here Lucio Fulci directs in his usual style filled with flaws , failures and gaps , but professionally made because being a nice artisan . It has flamboyant imagery , graphic gore and moody atmospherics . Stars veteran Brett Halsey proving an acceptable acting as a middle-aged gigolo who kills women and uses their body parts for trophies and for consumption. Halsey was a beefcake who emigrated to Italy and played a lot of B films , often billed as "Montgomery Ford" . Brett starred as several sword-and-sandal type heroes in including the spectacles ¨The Seventh Sword¨ and ¨The Avenger of Venice" . He also settled comfortably into the fashionable international spy , "spaghetti" western and Giallo genres with a slew of work including ¨Berlín , Spy in Your Eye¨ , ¨Espionage in Lisbon¨ , ¨The Hour of Truth¨, and ¨Kill Johnny Ringo¨. Being accompanied by a fine and attractive support cast of usual Italian B actors , such as : Ria De Simone , Sacha Darwin , Zora Kerova , Marco Di Stefano , and Maurice Poli .

The motion picture was middlingly directed by Lucio Fulci , and being entertaining enough . Fulci was one of the most controversial filmmakers in terror genre. Critics are divided over both the moral and talents of Fulci (1927-1996), who sometimes directed under the alias Louis Fuller. For some reviewers many of his flicks are extremely cruel and savage , yet their gory surface often concealing social, religious , or provoking commentaries or other thoughful , intelligent issues . Nevertheless , most of them considering his works have undeniably provided a considerable influence on the terror genre , creating decent efforts on low budget flicks . Standing out his ¨Don't Torture a Duckling¨ deemed to be one of his best pictures . And in the adventure genre with two financially successful Jack London 'White Fang' adventure movies in 1973 and 1974 which were ¨Zanna Bianca¨, and ¨Il ritorno di Zanna Bianca¨. Also during the mid and late 1970s, Fulci directed some 'Spaghetti Westerns' : ¨Four of Apocalypse¨ (1975) and ¨Sella d'argento¨ or ¨Silver Saddle¨(1978), and another 'giallo' ; ¨The Psychic¨ (1977), as well as a few sex-comedies which include the political spoof : ¨The Eroticist¨(1972) , and the vampire comedy ¨Young Dracula¨ (1975) , and the violent Mafia crime-drama ¨Luca the smuggler¨ (1979) . Furthermore , Sci-Fi and Fantasy genre as ¨Rome 2033: The Fighter Centurions¨(1982) and ¨Conquest¨(1983) . In 1979, Fulci's film making career successfully another high point with him, breaking into the international market with ¨Zombi 2¨ (1979), an in-name-only sequel to George A. Romero's Zombi: Night of the Lving Dead (1978), which had been released in Italy as 'Zombi'. And his big hit ¨New York Ripper¨ , at the time rated as a video nasty , due to it and why the excessive extra violence was heavily cut or prohibited in a large number of countries . With this film established Fulci as a gore director par excellence . Over the next three years, Fulci plied his trade with finesse and flair-play , rivaling even the popularity of his "opponent" the great Dario Argento, with such sanguine classics as ¨City of the Living Dead¨ (1980) , ¨Beyond¨ (1981) , ¨Manhattan Baby¨(1982) . These films are actually intelligently crafted, with sound commentaries on everything from American life to religion. And he went on his fall with lousy movies, but eventually Fulci at least found work in television . Rating : 5/10 . Average , only for Lucio Fulci completists .
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