Mothering Sunday (I) (2021)
Superbly crafted and beautifully cast movie about Grief and Loss
2 June 2022
My Review- Mothering Sunday My Rating 10/10

I absolutely loved this movie it's beautifully filmed, superbly cast, skilfully Directed by Eva Hudson, who in my book joins the growing number of wonderful female directors .

The early 20th Century costumes by the incredibly gifted 15 time Oscar nominated and three time Oscar winner Sandy Powell are perfect .

She is a costume designer who excels in designing beautiful costumes for any period called for in a movie.

She has dressed such wonderful and diverse films as Carol, Cinderella , The Young Victoria , Hugo, Wolf of Wall Street , The Aviator, Shakespeare in Love The Favourite and Interview With the Vampire .

Mothering Sunday has a beautiful music score by Morgan Kibby that fits the elegiac and literary pace of this film perfectly .

If you like movies like the screen adaptation of Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway (1997) ,or Christopher Hampton's screen adaption Ian McKeon's Atonement (2007) or David Hare's The Hours (2002) I think you'll enjoy Mothering Sunday.

All I'll say about the story is it's seen through the eyes of Jane Fairchild an author who begins the story with a direct passage from Graham Swift's novel of the same name -

"Once upon a time, before the boys were killed and when there were more horses than cars, before the male servants disappeared and they made do, at Upleigh and at Beechwood, with just a cook and a maid, the Sheringhams had owned not just four horses in their own stable, but what might be called a 'real horse', a racehorse, a thoroughbred. Its name was Fandango. It was stabled near Newbury. It had never won a damn thing. But is was the family's indulgence, their hope for fame and glory on the racecourses of southern England. The deal was that Pa and Ma - otherwise known in his strange language as 'the shower' - owned the head and body and he and Dick and Freddy had a leg each.

'What about the fourth leg?' 'Oh the fourth leg. That was always the question.

Graham Swift, Mothering Sunday

Set in 1924 on Mothering Sunday March 30th the story is basically about Grief and loss . The wealthy Niven family husband Godfrey played so gently in one of Colin Firth's most understated but effective performances and his sad depressed wife Clarrie is beautifully played by Olivia Coleman.

The Niven's loss of two sons in the 1st World War still haunts them especially Clarrie . They are obviously a well to do family no where near the Crawley family in Downtown Abbey but they do have a small staff that includes their maid Jane Fairchild impeccably played by Sydney born Australian actress Odessa Young . After seeing Odessa Young in this movie I must see her award winning performance in The Daughter(2015) Odessa is a young actress to watch.

On Mothering Sunday the servants have a day off while the Niven's attend a picnic at Henley with family friends. Jane receives a phone call from her lover, Paul Sheringham, inviting her to the Sheringham estate, Upleigh the home of her employers friends also at the picnic.

Paul Sherringham in the movie is played to perfection by Josh O'Connor who recently portrayed Prince Charles in the television series The Crown.

The sensuality in the scenes of the maid Jane Fairchild and Paul Sherringham the upper class young lawyer who is betrothed to a suitable but cold and indifferent young woman from a "good family" are quite explicit but beautifully filmed.

That's all no spoilers there are so many character subplots in Mothering Sunday Glenda Jackson has a wonderful short but vital cameo appearance in Mothering Sunday as the older acclaimed author Jane Fairchild .

Much older now of course at 86 years old she hasn't lost the amazing ability to say everything needed in a movie without uttering a word.

As you can gather I adore this movie I haven't read the novel which apparently is set on one single day on March 30, 1924 Mothering Sunday in the movie adaptation I think it was necessary to span the decades that the elderly Jane sums up in conclusion as " being very beautiful." and that sums this movie for me.
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