Heartland: Leaving a Legacy (2021)
Season 15, Episode 10
Not an uplifting season
4 June 2022
This was probably the only episode this season that really felt like old-school Heartland. There were multiple stories again and in between we have the various family members interacting. This did feel like a wrap up but we now know it has been renewed again so that will be interesting. I truly hope that Amy is ready to move on romantically now-she seemed to have several prospects this season but all disappeared quickly. I liked the "closure" she had with the Center but I wish there had been more encouragement in Ty's card in helping her move forward with her personal life. As for Lou, I'm just so disappointed that the writers of this show have basically ignored the fact that she had a 6 year relationship and an engagement with Mitch. Shouldn't that have been part of her thought process? It's not a good look for fickle Lou at all and I'm very disappointed in this story arc and how suddenly it was always about Peter. That's not what played out on screen before this season. She's also basically sweeping under the rug all the problems she and Peter had while married. Feels like very lazy writing. I enjoyed this show very much up until Season 15. The lack of long time characters this season really put a damper on things. I'll have some time to decide whether I want to attempt Season 16.
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