Star Trek: The Next Generation: Power Play (1992)
Season 5, Episode 15
It's sure lucky no one aboard the Enterprise can aim
5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many plot holes with this episode and they've all been covered, but the thing that annoys me most of the initial "take over" of Troi, Data and O'Brien, is that every time anyone shoots at them, they miss, yet every shot they take at another, it hits dead center.

Give me a break!

Also, I realize Data is stronger than humans so it stands to reason the entity that took over his body would be, but why are Troi and O'Brien stronger than everybody else? Specifically, why is O'Brien so much stronger than Worf that he knocks him across rhe Bridge?

You really must suspend all disbelief to enjoy this episode at all.
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