Rogue's Yarn (1957)
Watching the Detectives....
7 June 2022
A mildly interesting B pic that pitches itself as an inferior version of the classic Double Indemnity but without the clout. Enough plot holes to formulate Swiss cheese - would the vessel really maintain its course without diversion or collision while our antihero (Derek Bond) swims back to shore in a pair of big pants, does away with his nagging wife, catches the (hopefully considerably faster) ferry to Le Havre, gets on another boat and then steers his original boat into harbour in fully suited glory? Hmmmm.

As mentioned in previous reviews, the real star is a rather dour, seemingly humourless, portly, pipe-smoking ( this last point significant) and persistent detective played by the little-known Elwyn Brook-Jones, who brings some unexpected charisma to the role as the investigating Detective, backed up by his Sergeant (Hugh Latimer) who plays it for laughs in true "silly ass" style. Overall not a bad time waster but no classic.
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