Death in the Seine (1989 TV Movie)
Disturbing and sobering
9 June 2022
Most of those who watch this film are going to very disturbed by the amount of nudity, both adult and adolescents, but it is never done in an exploitative nature. It more a sobering look at death and how lives become cold figures on a document at some point of our lives. Here two undertakers catalogue the belongings of each victim found in the famous river Seine and try to deduce from other scant evidence if they were victims of foul play or was it an accident. This one Peter Greenaway's more accessible films. At 43 minutes it never gets too repetitive. There is a tragic quality as each is stripped down to their most essential features. Towards the end the narrator remarks how quickly an individual is forgetten. It is a very sobering thought that no matter what we were in life it will be gone inside of a single generation.
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