Ms. Marvel: Generation Why (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber Jab Jib Jab.
10 June 2022
After watching this I contemplated how much I would actually pay for a MENTAL ENEMA. To erase the very memory of watching it.

This really is another load of Garbage from Kevin Feige. As if the direness of Moon Knight was not bad enough we now get this.

6 to 8 year old intended audience is it?. Some sort of computer game with people in it is it?. I Carly meets Saved By The Bell, except nothing can save this TV series.

It was all we were getting, non stop tiresome Jibber Jabber, so much so my toleration for any such similar to & fro of small talk in other TV programs, last night, wore very thin.

Hopefully I will recover but it may have left its damage. Like running an engine with no oil in it at all, afterwards even if it survives it is never the same again. I feel like that.

Watching this load of tripe was like wading around a room full of treacle up to ones waist whilst looking at newly daubed paint drying on the walls.

Generation Why?, I think what would be more fitting is Why would anyone of any Generation continue to watch this rubbish.

That is the thing here, it is a tale of ENVY and PITY.

In that I ENVY those who ideally NEVER EVER watch this garbage and those who gave up on it well before 20 minutes. I do ENVY those folk.

Of cause on the other hand I do PITY those who watched the whole episode and PITY the most those who go on to see all the episodes.

I implore them DO NOT DO IT. Do not punish yourself in such a way.

Yet another failure from Marvel then. Feige STICK to making the Movies. With the Marvel TV series Daredevil was the best hit so far and that got cancelled.

Two failures in a row then, Moon Knight that I did stick out for 4 episodes and this utter mish-mash of Jibber Jabber & doodling graphics for those with a short attention span to keep them engaged.

Ms Marvel all based on what?, Captain Marvel that we all know is a MAN as drawn by Jim Starlin.

Not Brie Larson named after some sort of Danish soft cheese is it?, certainly an uncomfortable cheesy look on her face most of the time and for sure cheesy acting.

If that is you can call it acting, she is just there!, but not there, no screen presence at all. She'd be great as the new FF Invisible Woman.

If Chris Evens can do 2 prominent Marvel characters she can, though instead have her INVISIBLE all the time with temporary through the whole movie an inability to talk.

Having this Ms Marvel offshoot based upon the Brie Larson Capt Marvel, it is not for me and I bet even the intended audience the 6 to 8 year olds don't like this Ms Marvel much either.

You can stack anything Robert Rodriguez has made in this Genre and his material is far better. In fact in his hands Ms Marvel could have been something a whole lot better. Marvels missed opportunity then.

Avoid this TV Series.

So actually as y'all may have guessed, this is more of a minus 10 star rating then. In the instance of Ms Marvel, temporarily, I get the feeling that the star ratings here for many of the real viewers and not the paid off shills are really minus stars. This then gets the full Minus 10, it is that bad.
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