Yet another movie not as bad as promised
10 June 2022
Director Terence Young later dismissed ACTION OF THE TIGER as poorly directed and acted. Today, many seem to concur it's a bad film, only of interest because it brought Young and Sean Connery together, setting them on the path to make history with DR. NO five years later. However, I have to contest the idea that ACTION OF THE TIGER is a total turkey. Maybe it's because of its low reputation, but I was pleasantly surprised with it.

To be sure, the conventional wisdom that Van Johnson is miscast as a tough-talking sea captain is true. This role would have been ideal for Humphrey Bogart in his 1940s heyday, but not Johnson by any means. He struggles to seem like a hardass and his tough guy line delivery is stiff. Martine Carrol is a little better, but she's often wooden as well. She also happens to be the other lead.

However, I say the film survives this miscasting. It's a straightforward adventure story, the sort that would be homaged in the INDIANA JONES series. There's travel, exotic locations, dangers from an authoritarian regime, moments of humor, and plenty of suspense. Young keeps it all rolling and his direction, far from lousy, is assured throughout. It's not earth-shattering, but it is entertaining, ideal for a rainy Sunday.
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