Complete Nonsense
12 June 2022
I usually like most of what comes out of the Norsk/Swede/Finsk movie scene but this was a complete disappointment, almost like it was made in the 1980's for viewers with a limited threshold for entertainment as it seems most of the reviews over a 5 are all one review shills once again

This movie has really bad acting from the main female lead; where do they dig these so called actors from? Presumably following the Hollywood tickbox agenda once again methinks; even the recent Black Crab movie beats this one and it was a bit of a stinker too, even though the fantastic Noomi Rapace headlined it but at least she can act, so it was not a total loss but this one will just waste an hour and a half of your time it was so bland and formulaic with some truly dreadfully bad fight scenes.

Add to this some really boring action scenes and a completely unfathomable ending just makes this movie a complete waste of time!
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