It's a crime this show isn't popular
14 June 2022
First, let me say that a) I'm not Canadian and b) I didn't watch this show with kids. Nonetheless, I think this is easily the finest show I've watched all year.

Yah, on the surface of things, this appears to be a dumb sitcom about a suburban family with a "wacky" space alien living with them, similar to ALF or Harry and the Hendersons. But that's about where the similarity ends.

What separates this show is that the writers did a SUPERB job on making sure that every plot point actually matters. There are no throwaway "B plots" or sight gags - everything is tied to the story, even when it might not immediately seem otherwise.

In case the actors ever read this, yes, you did a good job, especially the two kids. But the writers are the true gold in this show and definitely deserve money, praise, and recognition for showing that it IS still possible to write tight, coherent scripts.

Lastly, there is no "woke" garbage in this show or plot lines to "send a message" about the injustices of the world. This show instead concentrates on bringing the laughs and exploring the everyday mundane aspects of life in a funny way.
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