Mexican giallo!
21 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Montenegros have real problems. Their matriarch has just died and moments after the funeral, her daughter Leticia announces that she believes that someone in the family poisoned her. Meanwhile, one of her son's wives has escaped a mental asylum - a place she landed in because she killed the gardener with pruning shears and was led into alcoholism by the dead woman never accepting her and her own daughter Rosi de Ella, who in turn paid for them via sexual favors.

Seriously, if you like the psychobiddy genre, Perverse Doll has so many female family members that are constantly on the verge of absolute mania and have absolutely no issue with going completely berserk (Berserk!) any time and every time.

Amongst all of them, Rosi is the worst, because despite looking like an angel, she's the one who killed the gardener and put the murder weapon right into her mother's hand, just like she did the bottle. Who would you believe? The alcoholic screaming covered in blood or the perfect child upset that her mother has lost her mind?

As the men of the house go out to attend the autopsy - where they learn that yes, grandmother was poisoned - Rosi goes on a rampage, pruning the family tree of every other woman. It wasn't enough to push an aunt down the steps years ago and confine her to a wheelchair. Now, she must orchestrate a lamp and have it fall down on her. Milk is poisoned. Bathtubs become murder weapons. And only the youngest female, Luisita, escapes.

Of course, in every EC Comics story there has to come an ironic ending. It arrives here as the institutionalized mother returns home. Driven mad by abuse within the hospital, she arrives back at the family abode ready to burn it all down while everyone watches.

Perverse Doll is like a soap opera given license to just wipe out all of its characters. The closest Mexican movie that I can find to it - despite it having more supernatural touches - is Poison for the Fairies, another film that ends with an apocalyptic inferno.
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