Any time a film is powerful enough to inspire . . .
21 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . Real Life events, reviewers are obligated to give it high marks, and hardly a day goes by in this Our Modern 21st Century when well-informed people do not read of more outrageous acts of vandalism in our once-pristine and hallowed American National Parks. During GRAND CANYON-SCOPE, Don Duck destroys so much of the popular title sanctuary that he's sentenced to dig a replacement canyon in a flat stretch of desert. Landscape desecration is a pervasive theme of Dizzy Nature Films, conveying the insidious idea that environmental vandalism is hilarious fun. A member of my immediate family saw first-hand the sort of depredation resulting from this film--one whiff of English toffee still turns his stomach, due to the stench of mule "rest areas" he inhaled while working on the park's rim for a long, hot summer after the malicious Dizzy Doodlers popularized convoys of tourist mules with this movie.
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