Enemy Within (2019)
Idylls of a South Pacific island disturbed by war
21 June 2022
There are many interesting things to this film, and the most interesting one is the psychology of the cultural clash between friendly islanders and a stranded Japanese pilot shot down on the island after Pearl Harbour. There are some other Japanese on the island also, and when they learn the truth about the pilot they try to keep it down to avoid risks to the island community. They fail to keep it down, the truth comes out, and there is havoc, as too many quite unnecessarily panic, including the poor Japanese pilot, who runs amuck. The one man who tries to keep everything in sensible control is almost a casualty himself.

The film is beautifully photographed, it's a pleasure to share the very basic and primitive life on this secluded island, the actors are all quite convincing especially when they lose control, and the story is fascinating although deeply tragic - all casualties are unnecessary. The war should never have come to this island, no one wanted it there, no one was responsible for bringing it there, and the poor Japanese pilot who brought it there suffered most for it. It is a good film although you would hardly look forward to watching it again.
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