Very good HK police thriller from director Kirk Wong
22 June 2022
Danny Lee is well known for being the "Dirty Harry of Hong Kong" and in my opinion this is his absolute best performance as the Inspector Lee character. Inspector Lee is a rogue, but ultra dedicated and overworked cop. He doesn't go by the book and breaks lots of rules in the process, but strongly believes in justice and does a good job. His team of cops are totally loyal and dedicated to Inspector Lee and always back him up. Opposite of that is Anthony Wong, a triad boss and jewel thief that along with his girlfriend (Cecelia Yip) really make the cops earn their pay in pursuit. Tung,(Anthony Wong) is generally a fairly honorable criminal and his gang are absolutely loyal to him as well. This ultra gritty police procedural is extremely well acted, tightly directed and slickly shot. This film shows Inspector Lee and Tung's world's collide and shows many layers of grey in the characterization and story. The action scenes and shootouts are more realistic and less stylized than something you would be accustomed to seeing in a John Woo film. In my opinion Kirk Wong as well as the cast and crew did an incredible job making this and is criminally underrated.
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