Spanish comedy by expert director Fernando Colomo with entertainment , amusement , funny situations and nice players.
22 June 2022
Pleasant and decent Spanish comedy full of fun , along with some disconcerting elements , being efficiently directed by expert comedian director Fernando Colomo . Entertaining and amusing Eighties' Spanish comedy in which a lot of good actors become involved into improbable happenings . It deals with Ana (Veronica Forqué) , married to Minister's (Miguel Rellán) assistant (Antonio Resines) , she is a doctor who works at a clinic for STDs, meeting characters from all walks of life, then a twisted mess emerges when all the protagonists get gonorrhea .

A naughty comedy filled with goofy incidents at a clinic for sexual diseases, STDs , Sida or AIDs , while outrageous situations ensue , along the way we find some quirky roles and other unlikely messes . Thus, there are several entanglements that seem really forced and artificial in order to provoke supposed spontaneous laughter , but it does not work properly . In La vida alegre (1987) abounds impudent set pieces with special itching for sexual jokes, bad taste , continuous references to intercourse , dicks , as well as deceit , adultery and anything else . This is another Spanish typical comedy in the 80s style , it is an enjoyable film that contains hilarious events , entertainment and lots of fun .

This comedy contains twisted love stories , social habits with political critique included , humor , and grossy elements . This is a slightly funny film with bewildering events , emotion , giggles , and touching scenes at its final part . The film moves in fits and starts most of which would be desirable , with more traps the viewer resists any kind, and some moments of enjoyment and others quite a few embarrassing , adding some absurdities and implausibilities . The picture benefits itself from a good cast formed by the best Spanish actors , all of them giving sympathetic interpretations , such as : Veronica Forqué , Antonio Resines , Miguel Rellán and Ana Obregón . But the main diversion results to be to look for the large plethora of secondaries appearing briefly here and there , that include the following ones : Guillermo Montesino, Massiel, Gloria Muñoz , Alicia Sánchez , Rafaela Aparicio , Chus Lampreave , El Gran Wyoming, Maria Elena Flores , Javier Gurruchaga , among others.

It displays catching musical score by the band Suburbano who sings attractive songs . Furthermore , a colorful and appropriate cinematography by cameraman Javier Salmones . This charming and with plenty of misunderstandings motion picture was professionally written and directed Fernando Colomo . Craftsman Fernando Colomo was born in Madrid and is a talented and versatile writer/director who has made a vast array of often solid and entertaining films in all kind of genres as comedy, drama and one science fiction movie (1985 El caballero del Dragón) in a career that spans over 30 years . Especially known for directing comedies , such as : 1987 La Vida Alegre , 1988 Miss Caribe , 1989 Bajarse al Moro , 1993 Rosa Rosae , 1994 Alegre Ma Non Troppo , 1995 Efecto Mariposa . And in the 2000s directed Al Sur Granada (2003) , El Próximo Oriente (2006), Rivales (2008) , La Banda Picasso (2012) , and several others . Rating : 5.5/10. Acceptable and passable , but neither notable , not extraordinary .
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