An Eye Opening Connection of Recent Events
22 June 2022
Part of the fundamental problem in today's society is we seek out confirmation bias, almost as a lifeline to our own sanity. Which explains why there are so many polar responses to this mini-series. You can infer the political party of the critic based solely on the number of stars given. 10 Stars = Democrat, 1 star = Trump Republican. Make no mistake about it, their political views cloud their opinion.

But for those of us that might not think of our party as the absolute epitome of morality, or are independent, the absoluism can be a bit less convoluted.

The series begins with telling the tale of an ex-skinhead trying to make sense of his past, one that saw him utterly fail in his hate crime against a synagogue where he was arrested and sent to jail for his crimes.

Throughout the series it returns to his disillusionment about what being a part of the arian nation means.

In the meantime it weaves national news story after national news story that have entranced the country for years, and examines how they are connected in a fundamental way that even the participants might not fully comprehend or understand.

It examines how the flow of news we choose to to view shapes our very understanding of the story itself.

It manages to string together a narrative of wildly diverging stories from the past several decades into one that actually makes sense.

It is a good examination for those looking to understand the events of Jan 6 beyond simply a coup attempt by Trump.

It examines what Trump was tapping into and relying upon in his attempt, and it's much deeper than him simply attempting to usurp power.

The journey is well worth the time to explore.
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