Review of Part VI

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
First episode in the series that felt like Star Wars
22 June 2022
Episodes 1-5 have had varying degrees of good and bad, with Episode 4 having the most bad. Even the good parts of the previous episodes never really felt like they were part of the Star Wars universe. This final episode finally makes up for that and is the only one that truly belongs. If this series (or a full-length movie of Obi-Wan) goes forward, hopefully the creators remember what went right from this final episode and so much of what went wrong in the previous episodes. Good - Ewan McGregor, Joel Edgerton, use of the force in ep 6, tying up ends left from Revenge of the Sith. Bad - Reva, kidnappers chasing Leia, gaping plot holes, illogical behavior & choices.
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