Review of Part VI

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
These Writers Shouldn't Be Allowed To Work in this Industry Again
23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Before I started watching this series--and with great anticipation--I thought that six episodes weren't enough. And now that the series is over, it couldn't have ended quickly enough. It's like prolonging the agony.

Much like most of the rest of the episodes, it was lackluster, forced, and a slap in the face of the films. I guess writers today think they can simply undo what has already taken place; that they can simply re-write what has already been written. This shows a lack of respect and it dishonors George Lucas's original scripts.

So, we end up with Obi-Wan vs. Vader --Round III. So much for, "The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but a learner. Now I am the master."

Obi-Wan had also stated in A New Hope that he hadn't heard his true name being used since before Luke was born.

We have Reva heading to Tatooine to kill Luke with Owen and Beru laughingly putting up a fight. I guess we'll have to overlook Luke's complete ignorance of lightsabers and the Force, which was clearly demonstrated in A New Hope. Maybe that fall from the rocks caused a memory reset. I mean, if the writers can make up this stuff as they go, why can't we?! Reva--one of the worst Star Wars characters ever devised--ends up crying like a baby in front of Obi-Wan. Let's just hope and pray that she never makes another appearance. Moses Ingram was beyond deplorable in this series, and easily the worst actor.

Gee, I guess Leia should have been more broken up over Obi-Wan's death in A New Hope. Who knew that she knew him better than Luke ever did? So much for, "Years ago, you served my father in the Clone Wars." Change that to, "Years ago, you saved me, remember?"

And who knew that a Jedi Master's powers could go away and come back like a light switch. Didn't happen to Yoda or Luke. A guess using the Force isn't like riding a bicycle. You just might forget!

Disney, and much of Hollywood, is bereft of good writers. Maybe it's a generational thing and many of today's so-called "writers" just don't know how. It would explain a lot. It would explain why most Hollywood films are remakes and rehashes of previous writers' works. And those few original works are so badly done that they are laughable, as though an 8th grader put it together. Disney should have hired the team who had done Rogue One for this project and given it the creative intelligence that it deserved.

I wouldn't hire any of the writers who worked on this series to write a school play for a 4th-grade class.

The only bright spot of this series was seeing Ewan McGregor turning in a fabulous job, as he always does. It's just too bad that was a wasted effort. Looks like Mandalorian is literally the only Star Wars series worth watching. I'll pass on anything else that Disney comes up with.
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