Actually pretty fun
24 June 2022
This definitely falls into the so bad it's good category...sometimes.

That's the problem with it. Some bits of it are really enjoyable. I hurt myself I laughed so hard at this movie at times. Other times though I was really bored, generally when it was trying to be funny.

I can't remember the original version from the 90s since I haven't seen it in over a decade so I don't remember if the kid was as annoying in the original but I hated the kids in this. If his two kids both died in this movie, it would probably be 2 whole points higher. The villain was also genuinely more likeable than the rich business woman who I'm pretty sure they wanted us to like so that was a real failure.

The fight scenes were sometimes hilariously bad and sometimes pretty solid.

The story is basic. Group of ex-special forces who got ruined because they accidentally killed a few civilians because of bad intel want revenge on the rich business woman because she hired lawyers to ruin them. I don't know why or how or even what her business is. They just want to steal a billion dollars from her and kill her. They never really try to kill her though and setting up all the transfers apparently takes a few hours so they just have to sit in the room with her whilst the rest of the movie happens elsewhere.

The best bit is they make a point that they can't get guns into the arena due to high powered scanners. Now, these guys hack every system and have an inside man. There is no reason why they can't get guns in. Instead they bring in these briefcases which I just guessed their guns would be in...nope, they pull 3D printers out of the briefcases (that were too small for them) and 3D print their guns and ammo. I laughed so hard when they were sitting there doing a dramatic printing and then cleaning scene. Genuinely was so funny. As anyone also knows, you can't 3d print ammo as well but they just hand wave it away.

Fun to laugh at but not perfect because a bunch of scenes go on too long and all the actual comedy scenes are bad.
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