Review of Therapy

Malcolm in the Middle: Therapy (2000)
Season 2, Episode 8
This episode depressed me
25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The character of Malcolm is the type of person I hate, mostly because I understand what it feels like to be different, when you don't want to be treated differently. But there is a clear difference with being psychically different and being insecure about yourself based on behaviors that make you feel like an outcast and freak in a society that demonizes the different. However that's not how I turned out. I remember what it was like to want to separate myself from everything I knew because I felt like I deserved better. But there in lied the problem, I can't risk everything when I already have so little. Malcolm in a manipulator, he's selfish, insecure, virtually he's everything I would have been, had not understood what it meant to be different. Malcolm is a teenager, I get it, but I'm not a genius, nor do I consider myself that smart, and as a genius shouldn't he try to reap the benefits of being smart by having a foot in both worlds. But that is the major problem with this show. He doesn't any of the places he comes from, because he's so self-centered. We all are capable of being self-centered and pompous, but we're all so close to losing everything we have if we're too selfish. This episode just remines me of the wasted potential Malcolm has. How he's so dishonest and insecure and hateful when it comes to how own life that he can't even be honest with someone who just wants to help him. It might sound relatable, but it's not something to emulate or admire. Since being different and feeling insecure because of how different you feel, are the symptoms of depression and basis for a losing ideology. If the character had gone through an arch throughout the course of this series, changing and maturing along the way, then this shows might have won me over. But it didn't. It just reminds me of how selfish I used to be, and how fearful I might still be that person, because I still deal with issues of insecurity.
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