Burn After Watching
26 June 2022
Actually, save yourself some time and burn *before* watching because during the slow crawling tedium of this movie, you'll have wished you burned it after reading the title. It's not funny, it's not all that interesting, it's not anything really. I mean, it somehow manages to both be bizarre and boring all at once, putting on airs of being a clever art house comedy without putting in any of the effort to actually be clever or comedic. The laughs are few and far between and barely more of a small huff than a laugh actually when they do appear. The plot can be summarized as what plot? With so much potential and so little of it put to use. The pacing can be summarized with a picture of a snail. And overall, the whole project feels empty, lazy, like even after watching the movie I have gained nothing, net zero anything, no enjoyment, no anger, no feeling of any kind except a little disappointment, it is certainly one of the movies I've seen. It's just kind of... there. With a shell of a story, a permeating feeling of utter melancholy, and a few weird sex jokes thrown in, I'm rather surprised none of the star studded cast burned their scripts after reading (makes you wonder if perhaps someone had a CD with information worthy of blackmailing all *them* because it would certainly explain how they got anyone to agree to this), but *sigh* c'est la vie: you're gonna get some bad movies. I'll give it one thing though, it's not the worst movie I've ever seen, there's definitely much worse, which is the highest praise I can give it.
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