Equal parts hilarious, eye-opening, disturbing and powerful
28 June 2022
Matt Walsh is great. In a time of ridiculous ideas and terrible logic, especially in politics, he's consistently a voice of reason. I disagree with him on only a few relatively minor things, but most of the time, he explains himself very clearly, step by step, and with a very dry sense of humour.

Here, he does the right thing in patiently letting us here all the sides to this issue without instantly blurting out his opinions and reasoning. He just listens. He plays dumb, but not rudely. He asks sincere, relevant questions. He plays devil's advocate on both sides.

The interviewees include regular people, experts, academics, authors, professionals of various kinds and even Africans (I think it's a Kenyan tribe). The Africans were hilarious. They have more common sense than most Americans it seems, probably because they have no time for delusion.

Parts of this documentary are disturbing. There is evil in the world. There are insane people. And sometimes insane ideas become massively popular. Mental illness can become celebrated. Speaking common sense or even *questioning* certain ideas can get you labelled all kinds of horrible things. That's how much the movement matters. The truth is the first casualty.

The only thing is, the people who need to see this won't. And even a sharp movie like this can do little against years of indoctrination. In a world where the ability or even motivation to use logic is so rare, you can barely try to convince anyone.

But Walsh is doing a great job. And I learned a lot from this, especially about the underpinning of modern "gender identity" theory. I hope he keeps fighting the good fight.
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