Review of Mat Kilau

Mat Kilau (2022)
people will hated you because you hated this. This movie is untouchable
29 June 2022
Theres a whole debate in a movie fan group over this film. Believe or not you can't give any negative opinion over this film because people regarded this as a sort of masterpiece and people will tell you in the face that you have to make your own movie before you can give any criticism for Mat Kilau.

Tbh im never a fan of SY's works. He's like Zack Snyder except that he is way worse than him. He's all about style no substance but he got lot of fans that backed him up.

I still paid the tickets to see this. Hoping that Syamsul will surprise me because the trailer and the hype is kind of promising. But no. This is like KL Gangster except that now Jai is Mat Kilau. I wouldn't call Mat Kilau as a historical film or biography. It's more like Syamsul only use the name to deliver his own ideology or message just like he did in his movies before. The formula doesn't work here, it really doesnt. The actors kept shouting motivational quotes to your ear from beginning to end. Are there even real script here? This is the best he can do? I heard that the writers wrote the script with the messsage comes to their mind first. This is where the problem begins. The writers didnt even bother to create something that normal person would say.

Did any of the cast and crew watch the movie before release it on cinema? Did any of them even realise how disjointed the movie feels? The transition is freakin awful. It felt like some kind of rough cut that supposed to sit in editing room.
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