A race of time for a Western boat load against a ruthless Chinese bunch
30 June 2022
"Roar of the Dragon" is a fairly good and interesting adventure and mystery drama set in Manchuria. Law and order was difficult in China after the Boxer Rebellion ended in 1901 and until after World War II and the rise of the Communist government in1949. Large tribes or gangs of ruthless characters fought over territory. Some raided villages and attacked commercial enterprises to haul off their goods and treasurers. And, during this time, life went on, including some commerce with the West. The setting for this film is about a stranded river ship and its several occidental passengers who must hole up in an inn stockade. They are marking time and hoping that repairs on their boat can be finished and they can be off before the murderous Voronsky and his band can overtake them.

The story is based on a novel by George Kibbe Turner, entitled "A Passage to Hong Kong." All of the cast are quite good, even though some still show bits of traits form silent film days. Richard Dix is Chauncey Carson, captain of the boat. Gwili Andre plays Natascha, who has been a captive paramour of Voronsky, and who is now trying to get away from him. C. Henry Gordon plays the treacherous Voronsky. Dudley Digges is Johnson, the owner of the shipping company. He and Carson are often at odds. Carson is a heavy drinker and Johnson only cares about himself and his business. Edward Everett Horton has a very good role as Busby, that's quite different from the persona for which he is most known in the many comedy films in which he appeared. Among others in the cast are Arline Judge, Zasu Pitts, William Orlamond, Arthur Stone, and Will Stanton. Several Asian actors who had short careers in film are here, as well as some other cast members.

The film has plenty of action, gunfire and killing before it's over. Some of the characters these cast members play won't live. The worst thing about the film is the terrible organ music background in some scenes. Maybe that was a carryover from silent film days that RKO Pictures hadn't learned yet to delete or do without. Or maybe that studio, then considered one of the majors, just didn't couldn't find (or afford) a prominent composer for the film.

Here are some lines form this movie.

Gabby Woman, "I understand there's no American consul here." Busby, "No." Gabby, "Haven't you any influence?" Busby, "Oh, no, mam. I'm a civil engineer. But they changed the government, so I have to go to work."

Johnson, "Start things moving." Captain Carson, "Is it possible that your wife was ever in love with you?"

Gabby, "Oh, how can you be so calm?" Hortense O'Dare, aka Bridgeport, "I'm just as scared as you are, but I'm not bragging about it."

Johnson, "Music at a time like this?" Busby, "Estrada says music is soothing to the brain." Johnson, "Aw!" Busby, "Of course, you have to have one."

Johnson "We've got no obligation to these brats. The natives have the right idea - throw them in the river." Busby, "Oh, I have a strangely vicious desire to cut you into pieces and use you as bait, if I knew how to fish."

Gabby, "When I think of those Thanksgiving dinners my Aunt Clara used to have. That was back in Omaha. Uh, did you know that Omaha was the granary of the United States? Oh, what corn-fed cattle. And what turkeys."

Captain Chauncey Carson, "Funny thing about women. Even the worst. Kids bring out the good side of them."

Natascha, "You know, it's hard to tell whether you are a little boy or a bully." Captain Carson, "Little boys don't drink as much as I do." Natascha, "You needn't be ashamed of being kind." Carson, "Not when I have so many other things to be ashamed of."

Captain Carson, "Natascha, my first name is," he looks around to be sure no one is listening, "Chauncey." Natascha, "Chauncey?" Carson, "Shhhh, not so loud." Natascha, "Chauncey - I like it." Carson, "You know, there ought a be a law against parents naming children."

Natascha, "Can't you see?" Captain Carson, "Just barely."
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