Dixon of Dock Green: Firearms Were Issued (1974)
Season 20, Episode 17
Great episode.
30 June 2022
Sergeant Dixon issues CID officers with firearms, who are set to mount a raid on a gang of robbers, believed to be armed.

As it stands this is the highest rated episode of the show, I can see why, it's excellent, and is perhaps the best of the 32 episodes that exist.

I thoroughly enjoyed this, it removes any argument that this show only dealt with soft and gentle crimes, this was far from that.

It raises one very important question, should British Police Officers be armed, I get the impression that the writer was not a fan or armed Police. Definitely a thought provoking episode, shows the importance of procedure, even in the 70's a decade where people think no rules were followed, this shows that even then protocols with fire arms existed.

Great acting once again, the performances are always so solid, well made also.

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