A Good Movie, But Very Sad
30 June 2022
I just discovered this movie and checked it out because I'm a Robert Taylor fan. I soon got caught up in the story, which was a good one, but not the movie to watch if you're feeling a bit down and want something to help cheer you. (And if you're looking for the typical Hollywood happy ending, forget it.)

I wish I could forget the truths in this film, as they're far from pretty. As RT's character, Shoshone Native lance Poole discovers, fighting for his country in the Civil War, showing bravery in several famous battles, and winning the Congressional Medal of Honor won't make one bit of difference to the people who won't accept him in society, oppose his owning land and living among them, and wanting him to go to a reservation, where they believe he belongs. He was good enough to fight for his country, yet that same country repays him with bigotry, unfair laws, and social stigma. (A doctor won't treat his ill father, he's refused service in a saloon, and lawyer Verne Coolan (Louis Calhern) uses a loophole in the law to take away Lance's property, preventing him from homesteading.

Lance refuses to give up his land, and lets Verne know he'll have a fight in his hands. He finds an ally in Orrie Masters (Paula Raymond), a woman lawyer who tries to help him. (Her mother is played by Spring Byington, who gives a bit of comic relief to an otherwise downer tale.) In a surprising twist, she's shown respect for her legal expertise, and is accepted as having a most unusual career for a woman in the 1860's; no one's telling her to get a husband and have babies. (Though you get the impression that, had society been different and not put so many obstacles in their path, she may have wanted a home and children with Lance.)

Orrie tries helping Lance, by getting a petition together, to try and overturn the law, and when that fails, and Verne and a band of sheepherders try to force Lance off his land (he's supported a Shoshone tribesmen), Orrie calls in the Cavalry, hoping to put an end to the fighting, but instead they side with Verne, feeling the law must be upheld.

I won't give anymore away, I'll just say that the movie makes you think about how foolish people can be, and how ironic it is that Native people were made to feel unwelcome in a country that was theirs to begin with.
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