I really tried
3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting amazing...unfortunately I was kind of let down. Movie had a lot of scenes that were added or was too long or needed to be. It due to insignificance. A lot of three stooges moments, well duh these are the minions but seemed dragged out once again. A lot of scene popping and switching and jumping. Kind of got lost a bit. I saw alotttttt of people walk back and forth In he movie theater. I think I saw a parent and the kid leave right in the middle. Never saw em come back, karate lady wasn't (to me) significant. The first intrusion in the house dressed up like a pot, bush and spray painted wall wasn't needed. Just wasted 5 min all for them to roll back down the steep street. China town was pointless. Length of time for fat minion to get the medallion was dragged. Just aLOT of ideas I felt were splurged into one. I really badly wanted to love it and grasp it but it just...didn't click for me. I might have to watch it again when it comes out but all in all I'm not even sure what the true meaning of the movie was other than guru wasn't evil enough and stole the medallion and lost it and he's with his favorite villain and he learns the ways of actually being evil and be reunited with his minions.....there wasn't really a CLIMAX...and if there was I missed it.....Medallion has been in numerous hands and transformed people into horoscope animals for a fight......and lost....
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