I wanted to like it
3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All the elements for a good horror film are here. It is just executed poorly. I like the surreal presentation of the story: hence the rating of 5*. The set pieces from moving from strangely lit areas to an absolutely brilliant sparse space that looks like a an abstract painting were wonderfully striking. That coupled with changing the aspect ratio during the film to convey warmth in scenes was really unique. Aside from that, this is where the praises end. The plot has been summed up in one sentence by so many others, I won't repeat. It isn't clear if we are supposed to think this is all a fever dream, alternate reality, or Groundhog Day type of loop (of hell). The insanity of the "hook" is played out so lacklusterly that it is so hard to tell! Great idea, bad execution :( Spoiler... If you have any confusion about what this movie is about... It's about.the "Last Night" of Amy's humanity as she is slowly killed by a rabid bat bite turning her into a vampire. The ending is burying her human body and seeing her full vampire as the station opens the next day after she had killed everyone inside. Again, it's a huge metaphorical leap to see that with what was presented on screen.
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