Borderlands 3 (2019 Video Game)
4 Stars out of 5 Stars
5 July 2022
Directors Cut: (excludes Moxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, Guns Love and Tentacles, Bounty of Blood, and Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fuster-Cluck, as I already reviewed all 4 dlcs on their own seperate Imdb pages)

After beating Tales of the Borderlands, my friend and I jumped right into this game a day afterwards, and lemme just say; it was whiplash for sure. Bringing back characters like Claptrap with a new voice actor really bummed me out. Just didn't feel like Claptrap anymore, and actually kind of found him unfunny (unlike literally every other Borderlands game). I was also not entirely used to the new mechanics in this game, as it really does feel a lot different compared to the other 3 games (1,2, and the Presequel). They also introduced new villains who gain a huge cult following among the bandits; so much in fact, they become a cult that will do whatever they say. At first, I wasn't a fan of the brother/sister duo. I actually didn't really care at all; but soon, I found them to be pretty messed up and funny. The game does a lot of stuff right, like giving you more ways to enhance your character, finally letting you able to travel to different planets that isn't Pandora or it's moon Elpis, upgraded graphics/mechanics, so so so so many different types of guns; it's definitely far from bad. But I also didn't find the story to be as amazing as its predecessor, Borderlands 2, and that COULD be because Handsome Jack is no more, but it also could be because the game just isn't as greatly written as well. I'm not entirely sure, but it's still a great Borderlands adventure. The dlc, like mostly all of Borderlands dlc, is a must play too. The Directors cut extra content, like Arms Race was boooorrriingg, like who the hell wants to play Borderlands battle Royale? Definitely not me. All of the other extra missions the directors cut gives you is fun, although not very important in the overall plot, but enjoyable. In all, Borderlands 3 was fun, but 100 hours of gameplay is a lot, and it's also not on the same level as Borderlands 2, but still a must-play installment in the Borderlands machine.
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