Review of Mat Kilau

Mat Kilau (2022)
Funny flow, funny camera work, funny everything.
5 July 2022
Don't get me wrong. I love the spirit and I know what kind of message that SY has been trying to deliver. But man... it is badly made.

1. Script

  • One guy throw a line and not even a 0.01s, another guy throws his line almost cutting the first line. No momentum, no space to feel anything. Give them some time. You're not rushing. Though the pronunciations are clear, I already forgot the first guy's line 3 seconds ago.

2. Action Scenes.

  • Love the superb choreography. But the camera work? It's not helping. Yes, we can see them punching and yes, we can see them flying but does the camera work helps? Oh I kid you not, it does not work. The intention of shaky cameras is to make the audience feel like you're there in a fight. Not in a 4x4 back seat heading towards Sabah rural school.

3. Editing Sequence.

  • Jump cuts, here and there. Cutting the screen time for the sake of intensity? This is no KL Gangster.

4. Background Music.

  • Oh my God, loud here and there. Over 95% of the film are filled with soundtracks. This is a Malay epic film and how come there's no Malay-feel soundtracks? Rembat Hollywood's soundtrack is it? At least go full silence on 'supposedly intense' fight scene. Make people feel engaged to the fight.

5. Ending.

  • Believe there are 5 stages in storytelling structures, no? Bla bla bla, silat this and that, Adi Putra gave his speech after a fight and it ends. That's it? Even iklans by agency have an ending, man.

Overall, I'd say this is a good try la. Take this comment as a feedback into account and consider.
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