Batman: The Animated Series: Heart of Ice (1992)
Season 1, Episode 3
One of the greats
5 July 2022
"Heart of Ice" is a landmark episode of Batman: TAS, a significant moment in Batman history. It redefined the origins of Mr. Freeze, transforming him into one of the most compelling members of Batman's rogues gallery, and I've been waiting for years for it to be adapted into a live-action film. They could copy the dialogue and plot exactly as it is - it's just astounding, efficient storytelling. They could stretch out the fight scenes and add some padding - I'm sure it would work.

In 20 minutes, Paul Dini and Bruce Timm use theatrical dialogue to tell a tragic tale that never fails to move me. It's carefully crafted, well-acted, and worthy of great admiration. It's also very quotable, but you ought to hear the lines in their original context first, I think.
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