The MCU needs to change
6 July 2022
The same old story with these MCU movies. I hate basically everything they represent and the main producer behind these films, Kevin Feige, is the literal demon that ruined cinema as we know it. He represents everything wrong with the film industry.

This film is the same old garbage repackaged with some new fun ideas. For starters, yes I laughed quite a bit during many moments. You can definitely enjoy this film purely from a SNL skit perspective. Also some of the ideas Waititi plays around are fun and enjoyable, such as the 80s inspired rock-costumes and the designs of many aliens. The score and soundtrack are really well implemented.

However aesthetically this film is one of the worst offenders. Rarely have I seen this much bad CGI in such a big film. The action ranges from ok to atrocious. The shot language is extremely bad and stale, not a single ounce of dynamic and movement. Just basic green screen single shots and reverse shots. Where's the ingenuity of "Hunt of the Wilderpeople?", it all looks so fake and textureless. Gave me Robert Rodriguez mid 2000s green-screen movie vibes, but without the charm.

Every scene taking place on earth in an interior set is one of the most bafflingly looking things I've ever seen.
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