First Love (I) (2022)
15 minutes in, did Anna's mum just tell her to be a hoe?
6 July 2022
Anyway... the movie; I've never used wattpad but this is what I've always assumed it's like. The movie starts out alright, I didn't have any expectations going in. Nothing original but I like it for some reason, probably just because I love movies about love. About 15min in, Anna's mum tells Anna to be hoe, insinuates it at the least and repeats it later in the movie. That was my least favorite part of the film.

There's a story about love and another about family. More often than not movies tend to focus on the main protagonists' love interest while this focuses on everything else affecting it just as much. That was great but I think that's one of it's major drawbacks, it holds on to all these little subplots at the same time and that doesn't allow any of them to develop. So it has a good premise, but it's just lacking a little everywhere, melange of sort. We get the story, but I don't feel as invested as I should be with the characters because they lack depth.

Still have some feelings towards them though. I'm mostly mad at Anna's mum for the advice she gave, understood where she was coming from but could have been worded better, wouldn't have been as mad; sounds like that person who was hurt by or missed out on love so she doesn't want anyone else to enjoy it now, can't stand anyone having a good experience with it because she couldn't. I'm mad at Anna for listening, but she didn't know any better.

And I'm mad Jim for not forgetting about Anna(his friend's advice), but since when has forgetting your first love been easy🤷‍♂️. I'm all for hopeless love and lost causes but Jim's friend is the best bit of dialogue in the movie when he says "why get back into that? Lesson learned... we're young" just move on man. He did essentially gave him the same advice as Anna's mum, difference was Jim was already hurt and trying to get over it while Anna's mum's the one who led her to hurt Jim. I think the only reason I'm mad at Jim is I'd have done exactly what he did, picked up the phone, still in love with her.

There were so many moments in the second half of the movie where I thought the story was done but it kept going but the ending's worth it. For the most part, the movie's just alright, but the end tempts me to rate it slightly higher than it deserves, it's probably a 5/10. I think you need to already like these sorta movies for you to enjoy this one.
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