Review of Madman

Cannon: Madman (1976)
Season 5, Episode 24
Interesting Historical Perspective
7 July 2022
This March-1976 episode aired only 4 or 5 months after the Church Committee hearings exposed the MKULTRA mind-control experiments conducted by the CIA on unwitting Americans. The experiments were supposedly ended in the early 1970s, though there is considerable evidence (look up the assassination of Nick Deak) that the program was simply renamed. Of course, it's far fetched that a private detective could ever effectively investigate such activity, let alone get any cooperation from the military brass. But considering the fact that many people who were born after the 1980s have no idea that any of this ever happened and would call such stories "baseless conspiracy theories", it's good have this episode around as a reminder of the fact that there was a time when the media was far more willing to investigate what our government does to us than it is today.
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