Conjuring Kesha (2022– )
seriously hilariously bad
8 July 2022
Yet another lowbrow "reality" show about the "supernatural"! The nifty twist here is that it is hosted and centered around yet another lowbrow pop star Ke$ha. Yeah, she dropped the dollar sign presumably to appear less juvenile and crass(?).

As usual, the only actual television I watch is when I'm stuck in a hotel room. Two weeks ago I got to watch some dumb bigfoot reality show with some goofy faux "scientists". This week its Ke$ha (sorry, I find the dollar sign to hilarious to resist) trying to "act" here. She's acting like she knows anything about the "supernatural" and "occult". My guess is she hasn't read anything on the subject except Time/Life books! Her script is weak, the subjects are stuff that have been foisted on tv viewers now for 20 years at least. The "reality tv" thing has run its course!

Now, IF Ke$ha were to actually try more formal acting in a supernatural themed tv show with a dramatic, fictional story arc revolving around the "supernatural", I might be more intrigued. Say, another X-Files or something more "serious". But this? No thanks, this is just sad.

This is akin to celebrities trying to expand their audience or increase their stock by doing something outside their comfort zone. Like Jerry Garcia making ties or something. A word of advice to any celebrity trying to branch out: Go back to school first! Taking a LOT of acting lessons! Maybe actually DO stage theater! Otherwise you come off as rich and entitled and, again, sad.
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