Magnum, P.I.: Distant Relative (1983)
Season 4, Episode 4
Not what I remember
9 July 2022
I know people constantly say stuff like this, but you have to believe me when I say, I was a HUGE Fan of this show in the 80s, but now as I have grown older and wiser and probably a lot more cynical, I see more flaws that I remember. Thomas, for a detective, has the intuition of a cactus. So many times in previous episodes does he blow off great clues, misses emotional tells and fails to pick up on any sort of indication of danger.

This week he fails to realize Ricks sister is a flight risk after she clearly indicated to him she is not one to listen to authority and does what she wants in as sneaky a manner as possible, this time his stupidity results in the death of his best friends sister. Would she have died anyway, probably, but not on MY watch. No excuses. I am not sure what directions the writers of this show got, but I feel like the later seasons saw a sharp change in Magnus's 'instincts' least from my faint memories of the show 20+ years ago.
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