This is a very bad movie......
10 July 2022
Still, it is entertaining, in a way. I came of age in the 70's, in fact I was a junior in HS when this movie was made. I'm very familiar with the drive in movie fare of the day. Pretty sure I even saw this one. Anyway, typical 70's B movie, cheap knockoff of Bonnie and Clyde with bits stolen from other more well known movies, notably Deliverance. Lots of shooting, lots of fake, very fake, blood, cars blowing up for no apparent reason, cartoonish police and mediocre acting. Still, I watched the entire movie, I think nostalgia played a part as well as the cars and locations. Also, there were parts where I literally laughed out loud at scenes that weren't meant to be funny. The part where the pinball punks confronted the main character outside the pinball hall and the big guy says "you fit the tag!" through clenched teeth had me howling. Lynda Carter's last scene was pretty hilarious as well. BTW, my wife lasted about 15 minutes before she rolled her eyes, said how stupid it was, and left the room. Having said all that, if you are of a certain age you may find it enjoyable. Give it a shot.
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