Review of Outer Wilds

Outer Wilds (2019 Video Game)
In the quiet shade, across old bark, in the ancient glade, it's always dark
12 July 2022
Outer Wilds isn't just the best mystery game I've ever played, it isn't just the best space game I've ever played, it isn't just the best first person game I've ever played, it isn't even just the best 3D game I've ever played, for me it is the single best game I have ever played.

If you have not played Outer Wilds yet, what are you doing, play it. Outer Wilds is built on mystery and is a once in a lifetime experience so avoid anything to do with the game, sit your butt down, grab a controller and start playing.

The Good: Where do I even start? This game manages to balance story, character, gameplay, mystery and discovery all in its run time of about 10-20 hours depending on how smart you are. It's such an interesting mystery to uncover and it's told in a non-chronological order making it even more gripping. And since it is open world then you can uncover the mysteries of the solar system in almost any order and still have it be coherent and make sense. Not to mention the game looks great as well. And the soundtrack, don't get me started in the soundtrack. Andrew Prahlow does such a good job with the music in this game. The music is so emotional, eerie or warm. The music really creates the mood of each area. The game hosts 6 planets to explore each of them bringing something new to the table and changing over time. Speaking of time, it's one of the most important things in this game. It can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy. But most importantly you must take your time, as rushing through this game is not only difficult but also just gives you a worse experience. And also if at any point you are stuck on a puzzle and don't know what to do. Do NOT search it up, just leave the area and keep playing and soon enough you will find a solution.

The Bad: The only bad things about this game are: the pace starts to slow down a bit once you get close to the end and it's lack of replay ability. Thats it.

Do over all Outer Wilds is a once in a lifetime game and one of the greatest of all time. I could say so much more about this game but it's hard to talk about it without spoiling it, and this is a game where you must go in as blind as possible.
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