Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Party Line (1960)
Season 5, Episode 33
I'm just looking for a well told story
13 July 2022
I'm skimming reviews and seeing the discussion about no twist ending being a disappointment. I didn't mind. I feel like this is a well told story and the actresses and actors did a great job with their performances.

Our episode centers on Helen. She's a nasty piece of work. And I like how all the things she said/did got reflected right back at her.

Helen doesn't have much going on in her life. She loves to eavesdrop on the party line, talk badly about others and she loves to play Bingo. She's constantly bragging about the two games she won in a row.

Heywood Miller shares the party line with Helen. Needless to say, I imagine that man doesn't get to talk much on his telephone. He complains about the ladies yammering on the telephone. He says he has to make an important call. The ladies hang up but Helen picks the phone back up and eavesdrops while listening to Heywood placing a bet. Helen doubles down on the nastiness and makes a snide remark to Heywood while they're at the butcher shop together.

Time for tripling the nasty behavior. Helen's back on the phone again when Heywood picks up the phone and says his wife needs a doctor, it's an emergency! Does Helen get off the phone? Nope. Heywood's wife ends up dying and this backstory ends as we pick up in Helen's present day life. She's still the same as ever but now she's got a dog!

The Sheriff comes to Helen's place and tells her that Heywood Miller escaped from prison. It turns out the death of Heywood's wife really set him off in a bad direction. He's been in prison but he's (rightfully) been nursing that grudge against Helen. He's out looking for blood.

Helen doesn't have anywhere to go.. she told the Sheriff that she doesn't get along with her sister so it's not like she could go there to wait for Heywood to be recaptured. So she stays at home with her dog Nemo. But Nemo's ran out and left Helen by herself. Helen's freaked and this all is when her rotten behavior is mirrored back at her. The new phone line ladies are trash talking Helen while Helen overhears. Helen hilariously tries calling them out about them being busy bodies, do they ever get any work done since they're always on the phone? One of the ladies slams that hilarious argument down since Helen's calling the kettle black.

Remember how Helen wouldn't get off the phone when Heywood's wife was having an emergency? It's payback time for Helen because now these ladies won't get off the phone for Helen's emergency! Heywood's now in the house and he's truly about to finish Helen off. Truly couldn't have happened to a nicer person.
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