Bad boy
14 July 2022
Of all the episodes of Season 14, "Born Psychopath" is the episode with the most vivid first watch memories. "Monster's Legacy" was another one that stuck out vividly in my mind. Luckily, in both cases this is meant in a good way. Found "Born Psychpath" to be a great episode on first watch, with it coming over as one of the season's most disturbing episodes and particularly memorable for its tension, the climax and the character of Henry.

Rewatching Season 14, and all the other previous and succeeding seasons of 'Law and Order: Special Victims Unit' has been interesting, finding it an inconsistent season with some real highs and also some real disappointments with plenty in between. There has also been a large mix of better on rewatch, pretty much the same and worse on rewatch. "Born Psychopath" is one of the pretty much the same ones while finding even more to like, meaning that to me it is still great.

There is one thing that could have been done better. Really wish that the episode didn't criminally underuse Huang, five minutes on screen is nowhere near enough time and he would have added a lot to the episode if his screen time was more. This is right in his comfort zone and he has the right approach to how he interacts with suspects. "Born Psychopath" as a result does miss an opportunity to examine in depth the issue of whether you are born psychopathic or not, a fascinating issue given too much short shrift, Huang's role being bigger would have solved that in my view.

"Born Pyschopath" is great and more everywhere else. What immediately stands out is the performance of Ethan Clutkovsky as Henry. Clutkovsky is unforgettably terrifying as one of the show's creepiest child characters in the show's existence. Did really feel sorry for his sister and understood her feelings about not wanting to get him into trouble in a horrifying situation for her, this resonated a lot with me as someone who has often suffered in silence (especially the bullying suffered in school).

Did think that the character development for the parents was good, some may be frustrated by their maybe perceived naive attitude to the case but to me it was not unrealistic and actually understandable. The regulars are very good, and it does contain one of their better performances as a team in a season where this aspect was variable. The story is very tense and sad, it's not novel territory but it manages to not be too predictable. The ending is very suspenseful and not dragged out or overblown like some similar climaxes can be.

It is slickly photographed throughout, a perfect match for the gritty tone, and the location work looks both striking and atmosphere-filled. The music is only used when necessary and when it is used it does stick in the mind and not done so ham-handedly. Both the main theme and opening voice over are memorable. The script is taut and intelligent, nothing heavy handed or melodramatic here, while the direction is slick and accomodating.

Overall, truly excellent. 9/10.
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