Honestly, very disappointment
15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The show doesn't understand Po in my opinion.

In the movies, he's a goofball, he is clumsy, he is very happy and a goody goody two shoes. But in the movies, he knows when to get serious, and he is much more selfless.

In this show, Po goes on his heroic quest to get his title and fame back, not to save china. And because of his uncharacteristic goal, he doesn't take the journey seriously enough, which makes him unlikable. In the movies, when Kai was going to steal everyone's chi, Po screwed around only because he was told it would help him learn to control chi and defeat Kai. And when he realizes he can't stop Kai, he puts the jokes aside and tells everyone to run in desperation.

In here, even though they keep telling us the stakes are huge, Po keeps screwing around and caring more about his lost title than the life of the other people. This isn't Po, and it ruins the show for me.

The show isn't all bad. The blade character is pretty good, the soundtrack is nice, and it is entertaining. The animation does look cheap, which makes the fight scenes a mixed bag. Some are good, some not so much. The main plot is also fine on paper, but Po's selfish motivation really bugs me, because he is my favorite protagonist of time.

Overall, while it isn't necessarily bad, I can't enjoy it because of how they treated Po.
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