Upstairs, Downstairs: Wanted - a Good Home (1975)
Season 5, Episode 5
A little power is a dangerous thing.
15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
William, Lady Bellamy's son, goes off to boarding school, and Lord and Lady Bellamy go on a brief holiday. Alice, Lady Bellamy's daughter, is left in the charge of her governess, Miss Treadwell. Unfortunately for all, Miss Treadwell is also left in charge of the household, and doesn't she make her presence felt!

At first, it's small things like having her coffee in the morning room, which deeply offends Rose. She escalates to banning Thimble, Alice's dog, from the school room during lessons, then bans Alice from the kitchen. Thimble gets his revenge by eating one of her shoes. Miss Treadwell finally declares she's getting the dog put to sleep. At that point, the servants 'lose' the dog and claim he can't be found.

The Bellamys return to a rather overwrought governess who informs them the servants are plotting against her, Hudson is lying about her, Rose was rude to her, Mrs. Bridges tried to poison her, Frederick laughs at her, and Alice needs a good beating. Just then, Hudson brings in coffee and announces the dog has turned up safe and sound.

Miss Treadwell claims that's proof of it all. Unsurprisingly, the Bellamys see it as proof Miss Treadwell needs to go. They pay her off, and she goes, leaving Alice and Rose taking Thimble for a walk as the household returns to normal.
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