Like Home Alone, but in a prison...
16 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's Christmas, Kevin McAlister is home alone, bad guys are trying to break in and get him, and he's using everything at his disposal to keep them out...

Now imagine it's still Christmas, but the house is a prison, Kevin is a serial killer, and there's guns and tear gas involved. That's this movie.

Some elements are so unbelievable... like why are the kids there? Warden gets called into work on Christmas. Why wouldn't he take them back to their mother instead of making them spend Christmas in a prison? I know they needed to be there for the sake of drama, but it's a ridiculous device. Then there's the whole letting everyone get slaughtered thing.

Too much of it doesn't make sense...

HOWEVER lol... if you can suspend the living daylights out of your disbelief and accept it as soap opera level drama, it's a fun watch. You might roll your eyes a lot along the way, but you might also find yourself pretty engrossed. No matter how many times I asked myself "why am I still watching this?" I continued watching. Also, the English overdubs aren't distracting at all.

I will say, however, that I don't think they needed 6 episodes to tell this story. Could've been a movie or 3 episodes tops. Anyway, it's worth checking out.
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