Sink Hole (2013)
I was optimistic
17 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So about 10 minutes in I realized that the special effects wouldn't be good as well as the acting but I told myself that it couldn't get worse. But then a few minutes later I realized that the dialogue is extremely expository and forced. I did get a few chuckles but everything about the middle of this movie is rushed and illogical.

Number 1 - if the sinkholes are anywhere from 150 -200ft deep then how did they not all die immediately and ... their bus kept slipping?

Number 2 - A kid tries to throw a note that was written on a piece of paper from the inside of the sinkhole ... to the outside ... and it worked.

Number 3 - Regardless of if you're inside or outside of the sinkhole you shouldn't be able to hear the other side say anything... but somehow both sides communicated by yelling ... very loudly while being at least 150ft in height apart.

Also teenagers don't talk like that.
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