Hulk Hogan fights evil-doers intergalactically!
18 July 2022
As a girl who was born in 1985, I know pro wrestling was all the rage, especially with Hulk Hogan. I wasn't big on pro wrestling, but then I had seen this underrated film starring WWE (which was WWF at the time) wrestler Hulk Hogan when watching this movie countless times on Showtime.

Well, where do I start? The film is hysterical at many scenes. The scene with the car alarm was one that had me rolling on the floor laughing. Then there was the one with Shep Ramsey beating Sega's After Burner arcade game ("GIVE IT UP DRAGOS! GIVE IT UP!"), which had a pretty explosive (pun intended) ending. The scenes with Shep giving the street mime hell were funny.

I won't give away much of the movie, but there are many other well-known actors/actresses other than just Hulk Hogan. Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, etc.) plays Charlie Wilcox, whose hobby shop is made into a vacation cabin, which Shep Ramsey rents. Along the way, two bounty hunters (one of which who is played by Mark Calaway aka The Undertaker) are going after Shep Ramsey.

The funniest part of the film is when Charlie is frozen by the bank robbers, and when he's taken to the place where Shep is charging his ship, he unthaws and utters the most notable line that Christopher Lloyd would ever utter in the course of his acting career (other than saying "Great Scott!" when the guy was Doc Emmett Brown in Back To The Future): "I WAS FROZEN TODAY!" (as a side note, my aunt had the privilege to work with Christopher Lloyd who starred in a film she was doing called Senior Moment, which I suggest you folks stream by means of Amazon).

Even though Suburban Commando wasn't the best in the box office, it was still pretty funny when I would watch it.
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