Keying On One Suspect Is Fine, 4 Hours, Too Long.
19 July 2022
There is fun in a kind of anti-hero story, especially if there is an on-going mystery and no one was harmed. That, in a nutshell, is the story of D. B. Cooper and his infamous act of sky-jacking a plane and getting away with the money. After this bit of fact everything else is pure speculation. This doc is basically the story of where that speculation led one investigative journalist and his cold-case team of investigators. Does it warrant four hours? I'd say no. Is the person this team claims to have been D. B. Cooper the right man? I can only say he's a pretty good contender of which there is still no smoking gun of irrefutable evidence. It is, however, a story that if told more concisely would rate higher. The jury is definitely still out and in that we'll probably get yet another doc in the future. I'm on the fence as to recommend this one as a result.
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