The Sea Beast (2022)
A Pretty Solid Sea Adventure Movie
19 July 2022
This Netflix movie was a pleasant surprise a very Disney/Pixar type movie that I half expected to be only it wasnt on Disney+. But this had alot of the charm I would expect.

The characters are a joy to watch, Karl Urban delivers well as Jacab and Zaris-Angel Hator is a treat as Maise the young girl who wants to become one of the Hunters. Jared Harris as Captain Crow and Marianne Jean-Baptiste as Sarah Sharpe also deliver great character work. The acting is superb and this shows highlights who provide a mix of comedy and drama.

Some great animation too. Not all of it is a hit in fact the monsters felt more like How to Train Your Dragon inspired and very plain. And you have your cute little creatures in there too which is fine. I liked the design of Inevitable, the ship the Hunters sail, I just wish there would have been more creative design choices like that then again the characters are on the sea most of the time, so maybe it was understandable.

The Story also felt very one note, and while the message of the story was good it was very on the nose and cliché its a story that's been done many times before. I do feel there was a lakc of emotion in some scenes or the ability to have it play out more, even though the chemistry between Karl Urban and Zaris-Angel Hator is brilliant I felt there was something missing to the resolution to their friendship.

Lastly the ending of the movie rushed past very quickly. The build up to the end was well done and paced very smoothly but the last 15 minutes felt over very fast. I was expecting little more of an aftermath but, nope, just ended.

Not a perfect movie its let down in a few areas. Maybe not much for adults in terms of replayability but certainly worth a watch, but for kids I could very well see them enjoying this. Some great laughs and goofs to keep them entertained with a positive message at the end.
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