pointless waste of time
20 July 2022
The rave reviews are obviously from crew members and friends and family of Webster. In fact as one of them is from the producer's assistant the rest are suspect to say the least. Very ordinary directing with a number of dubious performances from the cast who look like they were borrowed from a high school theatre group. The twenty minute storyline is padded out with scene after boring scene in a very weak script. Altogether a pointless waste of time. How on earth does junk like this get financed?

Since I first submitted this review I see there are several more 10/10 rave reviews posted. These are so obviously fakes they are laughable. No one other than cast/crew/Webster's family could possibly rate this gormless rubbish anywhere above 3/10. They don't even have the intelligence to rate around 6 to 8 stars making the reviews halfway believable. The 10 ratings instantly bring them unstuck.
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